Thursday, November 28, 2019
Mechanical Engineer free essay sample
Mechanical Engineering is one of the best fields of the engineering spectrum. Other engineering professions include electrical engineering, civil engineering, and structural engineering among others. Mechanical engineering is found to be the most interesting of the careers available engineering professions because it affects all aspects of activities carried out by human beings like health, leisure, education and work. It always involved in such fields as manufacture and design of almost all things that include computers, WebPages, microchips, motorways and as if that is not enough, cars are also designed by mechanical engineers. The foundation of a mechanical engineering career is formed by one engaging him/herself in practicing and educating him/herself in mechanics, mathematics, design, energy and heat. Mechanics should include fluid mechanics for still water and even analysis of superheated gases that flow in space vehicles. One should give it priority to be trained in mechanical engineering profession because mechanical engineering is one of the broadest fields among the various engineering professions one can take. We will write a custom essay sample on Mechanical Engineer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore one should consider attending the highest quality training college or university so as to achieve my life long awaited dream and also to achieve a wide pool of knowledge in the field. One needs to be aware that the standards of education required for a person wishing to take a career in mechanical engineering have been revised upwards so that only the best persons only achieve this profession. One should taken it upon him/herself to perform well in school and pass with very good grades so that he/she can get a place in one of the best schools offering this professional training. Almost in every area of industry, there are jobs for mechanical engineers. In the future, the opportunities that open up include getting oneself in research, manufacture, design, management, marketing and development. These areas are found to be common in all businesses in the world. One should also consider it a priority to constantly redesign, improve and ven invent equipment. When I find a job in this field, one needs to be dedicated to all the duties assigned and even carry out more research work in order to achieve the best and be the best engineer of all time. Since there are many universities offering degrees in the mechanical engineering field, this means that there are also many courses in the field. This calls for one to check the prospectuses of these universities before applying for thi s course. He/she should first ensure that the degree will be accredited and recognized by the institute of engineers. One will thereafter take four years and this should lead him/her to MEng qualification. This will make the mechanical engineer to be recognized as a graduate engineer. He/she will thereafter take one year in the field doing practical work experience while still in college. So as to achieve Initial Professional Development (IPD), after that, one will need to spend at least four years so as to gain approved work experience after graduating. This will pave way for him/her to be chattered. The first attracting feature to this career is the knowledge with which one combines to qualify for it. Englishmen say that knowledge is power. One needs personally, to be prepared to meet this challenge. He will take his time and dedicate it well so as to achieve it. The career keeps one young and enlightened always. He acts as a source of knowledge that lights the word and makes it a better place. Another motivating factor for a person to live aspiring to be a mechanical engineer is the salary package that comes with it. It is so encouraging and really enables one to live happily and get to enjoy the fruits of his past investment. The parents feel good of their child having prospered in the engineering field as he/she can support them when they become old. The other attracting feature is that there are many opportunities to grow in the mechanical engineering field. With time, one may need to progress my education. There are also opportunities for these. One can do masters and even PhD in mechanical engineering so as to become an inspiring tool for upcoming mechanical engineers. Professionally, a mechanical engineer will appreciate in value with time because of the experience he/she has. Within a very short period of time, the value of hiring an engineer can triple because the experience he/she has coupled with technological advances, will make a mechanical engineer to be a valuable asset that no company would like to loose. What happens then is the increment in payment so as to retain this big asset. Joseph (1986) speculates that in the future, to ensure that a mechanical engineer is at par with the changing world of engineering, he/she should make plans to take part in forums organized by mechanical engineers so as to keep in touch with the changing world. The engineer will always review my skills and add new technology to it through reading journals and even taking more courses in order to cover more areas of the mechanical engineering career. As a summary, mechanical engineering is considered the origin of all the engineering professions in the world. For example, for a civil engineer to construct a road, he/she shall need land movers, that are basically designed and manufactured by a mechanical engineer. For a structural engineer to build a high-rise building, he/she needs to consult a mechanical engineer for pulleys and design of plumbing services. For an electrical engineer to repair and maintain a workstation, he needs tools that most likely designed and manufactured by a mechanical engineer. Therefore considering all these, mechanical engineering is considered to be the backbone of all the engineering fields known to man and this should be a guideline to encourage on to take a career in mechanical engineering.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Definition of the Elsewhere Principle in Linguistics
Definition of the Elsewhere Principle in Linguistics In linguistics, the Elsewhere Principle is the proposition that the application of a specific rule or operation overrides the application of a more general rule. Also known as the Subset Principle, the Elsewhere Condition, and the Paninian Principle. American linguist Stephen R. Anderson points out that the Elsewhere Principle is invoked by [Stephen R.] Anderson (1969), [Paul] Kiparsky (1973), [Mark] Aronoff (1976), Anderson (1986), [Arnold M.] Zwicky (1986), etc., with antecedents going back to [the fourth century BC Sanskrit grammarian] Pà á ¹â¡ini, [19th-century German linguist] Hermann Paul, and probably others (A-Morphous Morphology, 1992). Examples and Observations [T]he basic case of competition in morphology can be characterized by the Elsewhere Principle: a more specific form is preferred over a more general one where both are in principle grammatical. By definition, competitors are those forms that can be used to express the same concepts. It is possible, therefore, that competing structures are generated in different components, in particular, morphology and syntax. A well-known example involves the English comparative affix -er, which must attach to short (maximally bisyllabic) adjectives . . .. This morpheme is in competition with the syntactic modifier more, which can in principle attach to both short and long adjectives, and is therefore the more general form. In the context of short adjectives, the Elsewhere Principle dictates that -er blocks more . . .. (We add (19e) to show that in circumstances where the Elsewhere Principle does not apply more can indeed modify short adjectives.) (19a) Bigger(19b) *Intelligenter(19c) *More big(19d) More intelligent(19e) Bigger means more big This classical application of the Elsewhere Principle demonstrates that a morphological complex can be in competition with a syntactic phrase. . . .It does not seem too much to say that one of the core phenomena of morphology, and perhaps of grammar in general, is that one form can compete with, and hence block, others. The classical cases of such competition involve inflectional morphology as regulated by the Elsewhere Principle. . . . [W]e have argued that there are many more examples of competition, which differ from the classical case in terms of the nature of the candidates and the selecting restraints. (Peter Ackema and Ad Neeleman, Word-Formation in Optimality Theory. Handbook of Word-Formation, ed. by Pavol Ã
tekauer and Rochelle Lieber. Springer, 2005 Mapping Rules An idiosyncratic mapping rule need not mention a single morpho-syntactic terminal; it can also apply to combinations of (morpho-)syntactic material. For example, next to the mapping rules that associate TOOTH with /tooth/ and PLURAL with /z/, there is a mapping rule which relates [TOOTH PLURAL] to [/teeth/]. This rule can be formulated as follows, where P(X) stands for the phonological realization of a syntactic entity X: If PLURAL selects (a category headed by) TOOTH,then P(TOOTH, PLURAL) /teeth/ Since this mapping rule is more specific than the one that only mentions PLURAL, the elsewhere principle states that the latter is blocked where the former can apply, ruling out *[/tooth/ /z/]. Note that this does not mean that the lexicon contains multiple morpho-syntactic morphemes that represent plurality (there is only one plural affix). (Peter Ackema and Ad Neeleman, Morphological Selection and Representational Modularity. Yearbook of Morphology 2001, ed. by Geert Booij and Jaap van Marle. Kluwer, 2002) Illustration and Qualification Two elements are important in the Elsewhere Principle. First, it inactivates rules in particular cases as a property of the rule system as a whole. Second, it does so in virtue of a logical relationship between rules: entailment between application conditions. The rule that is inactivated by a second rule applying to the same case applies to all cases to which the second rule applies.The English plural is formed by adding a morpheme -s to the end of a stem. A number of words have special plurals, such as goose, which has the plural geese. The existence of the nonregular plural (a remainder of an older plural; formation by means of vowel shift) rules out the regular form *gooses.The rule that assigns geese has the application condition stem goose, which is more specific than the application condition stem X4 for the regular plural formation. It follows by the Elsewhere Principle that the regular rule for plural formation does not apply to goose.There is an important caveat with the Elsewhere Principle: It does not always lead to the right conclusion. It is sometimes possible for the irregular form to coexist with the regular form, and sometimes there is neither an irregular nor a regular form. In these cases, the Elsewhere Principle would predict the absence of a regular form or the presence of a regular form, respectively, predictions that are not borne out by the facts. It follows that in these cases another explanation needs to be sought. (Henk Zeevat, Idiomatic Blocking and the Elsewhere Principle. Idioms: Structural and Psychological Perspectives, ed. by Martin Everaert et al. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995) Further Reading GrammarMorphologyPhonologyRules of EnglishSyntax
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The National Geographic Society. National Geographic website Essay
The National Geographic Society. National Geographic website - Essay Example The beautiful animals illustrated in the website connect the viewers of the website with nature. At the top of the website there are eight primary links that allow the users to visit different parts of the website. The eight primary links are photography, animals, environmental, travel, adventure, nageotv, kids, and video. The photography section has lots of different pictures of animals, nature, landscapes, among other things. The kids section has educational games children can play. The travel section has images and information about the cultures of different parts of the world. Below the primary links at the top there are secondary links in yellow. The secondary links take the users to different segments of the website. The secondary links are daily news, the magazine, maps, science, education, games, music blogs, movies, in the field, mobile, and newsletters. The daily news segment has lots of interesting articles. I read an article that stated that being bilingual delays aging effects. In the maps section there are different interactive 3D maps of the world. The magazine link has the current issue of the National Geographic magazine for the month of March 2011. The issue can be read online free of charge.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Learning styles journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Learning styles journal - Essay Example Before that I pretty much procrastinated with the writing.... I started out with a kind of a chronological thing, I mean where I described myself and things that make me unique. Then I went on to describe the actual work and then pull the elements out that contributed to my response. After initial class sessions on genre; plot, and character failed to engage him ("Was I the only one who felt trapped in a class which embarked on discussing genre at 8:10 A.M."), a nineteen-year old man suddenly found the situation changed: "We had a confrontation. The entire class time surrounded a dispute. I readily sat up in my seat to observe what my classmates were anxious about, so I could participate. They were butting heads about their interpretations of the story read for our class assignment." At first he did not feel he could "jump in," but "definitely felt caught in the middle of it," agreeing with each side to some degree. As interpretations continued to "clash . . ., uninformed opinions were corrected by educated ones, and faces blushed due to embarrassment and anger," he found himself anticipating and preparing for class in new ways. I was in awe that the instructor allowed it to continue. ... I carried my excitement with me. I did not mind waking up for class.... I began to review the material read and my class notes. And anticipate the opinion I would promote in class. I had been quiet in class for the first few weeks, but I was coming out of my shell. My opinions were refused as well as accepted by my classmates, and I realized my face felt a bit flushed a few times as I walked out of the classroom door. I began to wonder why I was so anxious and moved by the discussions. Why everything was so heated and sensitive. What came to me most, while I was doing the painting aesthetic response, was how much I now want to become involved with music and do that same thing with musical pieces. [Originally,] I couldn't really make any sense out of [jazz]. I always had the feeling it relaxed me and took me away from the things I thought about during the day, but beyond that it was really hard for me to identify my response and what was going on that caused it. And so now I have a challenge ahead of me, and these last couple of times we have been to [the jazz club] it's been kind of like a little lab for J. Also I'm interested in hearing what some of the music faculty say about jazz because . . . in lots of ways, it's not too conventional . . . , and I'd like to see what they think. A twenty-two-year-old senior was able to make connections between readings and work done in our course and other courses in religious studies. "[This course] has paralleled research I have been doing for other courses, which has been very exciting and useful. I have read Abraham from a feminist perspective in Dr. L.'s course, and discussed Kirkegaard's radical transcending of ethics with Abraham as the model (aaak, gag,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Music Industry in US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Music Industry in US - Essay Example music market. Accessing the U.S. distribution channels is incredibly difficult. These channels involve four elements: the process of promotion (to break into the market), the system of licensing and distributing, the role of retailers, and the restructuring of the United States market's priorities which is currently going on. The production, innovation, sales, and distribution of music involves a complicated network. This network is controlled by large global firms, known as "the majors" that have complete control over the sourcing, creating, industrializing, distributing, and retailing of music. There is also a very big group of "independent" music companies that work in the same way as the majors which keeps the difficulty of accessing the U.S. distribution channels very tough and expensive. The U.S. has been the leader in music industry innovation and has a huge effect on the other music markets throughout the world. Along with world domination, from the U.S. comes some of the biggest names, i nnovations, and record labels in the business. However, the country is the least internally-oriented market partly because of the media. ... In order to "create a buzz", or the initial testing process, much money is spent on independent record companies to promote the campaign, set up performances, and pay for the airplay as being played on the radio many times over is the key to success for breaking in. It has been suggested that $500,000.00 is required to test a record. Labels and distribution is also very difficult as there are three main categories in which these can be handled: by going through a major record company that has its own distribution network, independents that distribute under a major company, and independents that uses other independents to get the items distributed. 85% of the music that gets to retailers is distributed by the major record companies. Independents use major companies because of the high costs in building and maintaining nationwide warehouses and distribution centers. Bigger companies can handle the legal and bridging costs as well as slow payments. U.S. laws also require that imports pay mechanical royalties although the country of origin has already charged these. This means that royalties have to be paid twice. It simply is too expensive doing business any other way in the U.S. The distribution of products to retailers is controlled by distributors and these distributors are the key to promotion. These major distributors have teams of people who have developed strong relationships with the top buyers such as Wal-Mart. Product priority lists are created by the major distributors as fees are paid to them. The higher up's of the major distribution companies, who are considered to be all powerful, prefer this "monopoly" type of doing business. New music must go through
Friday, November 15, 2019
Risk Assessment Strategy of Eco Town
Risk Assessment Strategy of Eco Town Contents (Jump to) 1. Introduction 2. Stakeholders Objectives and Concerns Primary Stakeholders Secondary Stakeholders 3. Critical Success Factors 4. Risk Assessment Strategy Defining the Boundary for Assessment Assessment Approach Stakeholders Involved Risk Identification and Classification Rules Classification of Risks Rating of Risk Events 5. Risk Mitigation Plans 6. Conclusion References Appendices 1. Introduction This report aims at developing a risk assessment strategy for NW Bicester Eco Town. Potential risks and necessary control measures will be analysed for a practical outcome. The risk assessment will also be done for the newly acquired land parcel that is adjacent to first phase which is the The Exemplar phase of the project. Figure 1 shows the proposed site for the project. Figure 1 Masterplan and Exemplar Phase of Bicester Eco-Town All the stakeholders of the project and their concerns are identified to do a thorough risk assessment. These concerns are further analysed and prioritised to figure out critical success factors of the project. Based on the number of risks identified, scope and boundaries are established to streamline the risks. Further to this, risks are ranked based on the level of severity using qualitative and quantitative aspects. 2. Objectives and Concerns of Stakeholders Eco-Town project has various stakeholders given the context of the scale, nature and typology of the project. Table 1 lists the primary stakeholders and their concerns. Table 2 lists the secondary stakeholders and their concerns No. Primary Stakeholders Concerns 1 Cherwell District Council (Local Planning Authority) Make Bicester a vibrant, great place to live, work and bring up a family in an eco-friendly way. Re-position Bicester as a place where new communities are built to high environmental standards where people can enjoy sustainable lifestyles. Achieve zero-carbon development and more sustainable living using the best new design and construction. (Eco Bicester) (Cherwell District Council) 2 A2Dominion (Lead Developer) To develop and materialise UKs first eco-town with sustainable homes, jobs and green neighbourhoods. Table 1 Primary Stakeholders No. Secondary Stakeholders Concerns 1 P3 Eco Group Established to bring together a strong consortium of investors, partners and professionals to promote and spearhead the NW Bicester eco development. Help Eco-town development to grow as an extension of Bicester to benefit the community. Main goal is to minimise environmental impact and maximise efficiency while striving to provide housing that is affordable, comfortable, sustainable and of the highest possible quality. Reduce energy demands and improve feasibility for sustainable technology by research and development (R D). 2 Bicester Vision (BV) An independent public/ private partnership committed to bring together all stakeholders in town to ensure that the most is made of the exciting future for the town. To engage with people of Bicester and the wider Bicester to ensure that it continues to be a great place to live and work in. 3 CABE Design Consultants Design council to assist in Bicester design and sustainable development in achieving the vision and execution of project, hence setting a benchmark for eco-friendly living. 4 Bio-Regional (BioR) A social enterprise that helps establish sustainable business and works with other stakeholders like A2Dominion, CDC etc., to demonstrate that a sustainable future is attractive and affordable. 5 Grassroots Bicester (GRB) A community action group set up to create a greener Bicester. Works closely with oxford, Bicester Vision and Eco Bicester team from Cherwell district council to help deliver the Eco Bicester vision across the whole town. 6 Farrell Partners (ARCH) To develop an affordable and sustainable residential complex with highest possible quality and delivered in close partnership with the local communities. 7 Thames Water Utilities (TWU) Water resource management towards sustainability 8 Central Government (CG) To utilise public fund judiciously Provide good affordable homes for people Speed of housing delivery Create sustainable communities and address climate changes. 11 Current Residents (CLR) Create jobs to local people. To educated the community to tackle disturbance/ discomfort caused due to construction activities like noise pollution, vehicular movements etc., 12 Home Community Agency (HCA) To ensure funding for the development of affordable housing for a successful development of the community. Table 2 Secondary Stakeholders 3. Critical Success Factors The critical success factors are derived from the vision stated in Masterplan Vision for the Exemplar phase of the entire development are as follows: Provide affordable, attractive and sustainable housing 393 residences designed by specialist design team by achieving good aesthetics within 60 acres of land use and a provision for 30% affordable housing, 40% of the total land to be used as green belt. Ensure every building achieves zero-carbon emission. Reduce carbon footprint by 30% by reducing waste sent to landfill. Efficient time, cost and quality management of construction Use passive energy generating technologies and achiever zero carbon efficiency. Manage project efficiently within the budget and proposed completion time of phase 1 by circa 2018. Reduce Carbon footprint by adopting sustainable means of transportation and energy Promote lean construction management which substantially reduces the carbon footprint caused by construction activities. Opt for public modes of transportation. Encourage the community to cycle. Reduce the usage of personal automotive vehicles. Introduce advanced construction technology like photo-voltaic panels, passive heating methods etc., to reduce utility bills. Environmental Biodiversity Ensure that 40% of the total development area is used as green belt/ green space. Contribute to existing biodiversity by introducing waterbodies, vegetation etc., Community and Neighbourhood Services Conduct events to enhance community spirit. Provide institutional facilities like schools and community facilities like local store, sports complex etc., within the proximity of the development. Create New Employment Opportunities The Exemplar phase aims at creating employment opportunities during construction phase and create long-term job opportunities. Managed Risk Act as early as possible and provide visibility of a task 4. Risk Assessment Strategy The following section provides a structured and coherent approach to identify, assess and manage risk. Defining the Boundary for Assessment Defining boundaries in the project helps in streamlining the risk assessment process. It is understood that risks that occur beyond the scope of the project are not under the control of Project Manager. The risk assessment is being done for the newly acquired land parcel adjacent to the boundary of the exemplar phase (See Figure 2) and the register will examine potential risks, causes, risk mitigation actions and the stakeholders responsible. Figure 2 Site Boundary in the Process of Acquisition Assessment Approach Potential risks have been identified based on the available literature on Bicester Eco-town and by brainstorming over various driving factors, likelihood of their occurrence and impact, evaluating and prioritizing risks for further action and then by developing a mitigation plan to tackle the risks without affecting the project. Figure 3 outlines the fundamental risk management process steps. Figure 3 Fundamental Risk Management Steps (Garvey, 2008) Step 1. Risk Identification Risk identification is the critical first step of the risk management process. Its objective is the early and continuous identification of risks, including those within and external to the project. Step 2. Risk Impact and Consequence Assessment In this step, assessment is made of the impact each risk event could have on the project. This typically includes how the event could impact cost, schedule or any other technical performance. Additional criteria such as political or economic consequences would also require consideration. Step 3. Risk Prioritisation In this step, overall set of identified risks, their impact and their probability of occurrence are processed to derive the most critical to least critical rank-order of all the risks. One of the main reasons for prioritizing risks is to form a basis for allocation critical resources. Step 4. Risk Mitigating Planning This step involves the development of mitigation plans to eliminate, reduce or manage risk. Once a plan is incorporated, it is monitored to assess its efficacy with an intention to revise its course-of-action if necessary. The other steps involved in developing effective risk management strategy to establish a good approach to assessment and select the suitable risk management tool. In-order to do this the, various phases of the project are divided per RIBA Plan of works (RIBA,2013) and the stages are mentioned below. Planning Design Construction Handover and Close Out Risk Identification and Classification Rules Methodical Approach to identify risks are as follows, Clear classification of aims and objectives of the project. Develop a very good criterion for risk assessment. Identify risks for both aims and objectives that are derived from risk assessment criteria. Use both Qualitative and Quantitative measures to assess risks and rank them per their severity of impact on the project. Group Meetings that involve all the stakeholders and brainstorming of potential risks. Generate minutes of meetings (MOM) to document discussions and the responsible parties for the identified risks. Classification of Risks The identified risks are classified into various categories and are measured per the level of impact. The factors contributing to the measure of impact are mentioned below, Cost Time Reputation Quality Impact on Stakeholders Environmental Impact Legal Impact Health and Safety Concerns Legal Implications Each of the above-mentioned factors are ranked between 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest in terms of impact and is detailed in Table 3. Table 3 Measure of Consequences of the identified Risks Rating of Risk Events The scoring of risks was calculated in such a way that the highest possible risk rating for any of the categories was taken into cautious consideration. The score ranging between 1 and 125, were used to generated 4 coloured rating. Here red, yellow, amber and green colours are used. The colour is assigned to a risk depending on its severity. Red stands for immediate action risk, Amber for medium risk, yellow for minor attention requiring risk and green for low/ Acceptable risk. The table 4 below illustrates the scores of this coloured rating. Table 4 Risk Rating Matrix 5. Risk Mitigation Plans After identifying the risks that are very likely to occur based on the risk rating matrix, some of the risks are prioritised and a mitigation plan is proposed in the following passages below. Risk 1: Rejection/ Delay of planning permission Management Action Planned: Proposed development plans should comply with building regulations, standards and specifications. Consistent liaison with the government should be done. Action Owner: A2Dominion, Architects and CABE Cause: Development standards do not meet specified building regulations. Community objection due to improper information by the project owner. Impact: Project delays and cost implications. Risk 2: Community Objection Management Action Planned: Liaise with the council members and clarify the value for public money of the development. Action Owner: A2Dominion Cause: Local communities showing concerns towards the effects on environment and showing reluctance to adapt to change. Lack of information or negative publicity that might lead to rejection of the development by the community. Impact: Delays and increased cost, bad reputation of the project and negative impact on stakeholders who represent public. Risk 3: Financial Funding Delays Management Action Planned: Ensure funding from all the investors during the exemplar phase Action Owner: A2Dominion and CDC Cause: Unfamiliarity of the project to the investors compared to other developments might fail to attract the investors. Impact: Project Failure, delays and reduction in quality if executed with insufficient funds. Risk 4: Change in Scope of Design Management Action Planned: Establish a clearly defined design brief that comprise of well-defined scope, responsibilities and communication channels of each stakeholder. Action Owner: A2Dominion and ARCH Cause: Disagreements between the design consultants and the client might lead to conflicts within the project. Proposed design might result in increased costs due to failure in meeting the design brief. Impact: Project delays and increased cost. Risk 5: New Technologies Management Action Planned: Liaise with the contractors at the early stage of project in-order to evaluate their competency. Action Owner: P3Eco Cause: Lack of experience and improper knowledge of new sustainable technologies that might affect building performance. Impact: Compromise in quality and project reputation The remaining risks, their causes, impact and management action are covered in the Appendices. 6. Conclusion After a, thorough assessment of risk on NW Bicester Eco-Town project, it is understood that the project is of a very complex nature and requires close monitoring of several areas for the successful completion of the exemplar phase. It is evident from the risk register that most of the responsibility should be taken by the developer (A2Dominion) who can further transfer risk to relevant stakeholders. Eco-Town being UKs first project of its kind, achieving success in this project is of utmost importance in-order to set a benchmark for future developments that will be sustainable and environment friendly thereby benefitting the future generations. References A2Dominion., [Accessed on 21/12//2016] Bicester Vision., What is Bicester Vision, [Accessed on 21/12/2016] Cherwell District Council., Eco Bicester, [Accessed on 21/12/2016] Design Council., Case Study North West Bicester Eco-Town, [Accessed on 21/12//2016 Eco Bicester., North West Bicester, [Accessed on 21/12/2016] Garvey P (2008) Analytical Methods for Risk Management: A Systems Engineering Perspective (1st Ed.). London, New York: Chapman-Hall/ CRC North West Bicester., Partners, [Accessed on 21/12/2016] North West Bicester., The first Phase Exemplar, [Accessed on 21/12/2016] P3Eco., Home [Accessed on 21/12/2016] RIBA, (2013), RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Overview, [Accessed on 21/12/2016] Appendices Table 5: Risk Register Planning Stage Table 6: Risk Register Design Stage Table 7: Risk Register Construction Stage Table 8: Risk Register Construction Stage Table 9: Risk Register Handover and Close Out Stage
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The New Electronic World Essay -- Internet Technology Technological Pa
The New Electronic World Cyberspace has become a reality of everyday life. People across the world spend significant amounts of time and effort in the construction, maintenance, and innovation of the Internet. This advancement has created two classes: those who are in control of this new culture and those who are left behind. The fact also remains that there will always be a negative aspect for every positive one. The Internet has shown us technology at its zenith and at the same time, the perverted reflection of our society. The Matrix portrays the future of our world in the way of its innovators, one group abusing the power to enslave another. In this case, the Internet advances through the direction of people intending to utilize the power for self-centered purposes. The end result is a world in which a virtual environment was created within the minds of an imprisoned class of people. There are many theories regarding the Internet today and whether it is actually providing benefit to our world, or causing more problems than its worth. The more we progress the more others, it seems, are left behind. The Internet truly has its positive aspects. From instant information at ones fingertips to the ability to communicate across the world at the cost of a local phone call, one can easily argue that the Internet has improved our world. But as in many cases, the negative aspects of a modern innovation are more easily exploited by those who consciously or not, are destroying our environment. The access to pornography, the computer viruses damaging corporate business, and the hacking that virtual thugs find humorous are all examples of abuse that create a more negative viewpoint of the Internet. The Matrix takes this theory... ... An addiction rarely can be identified until it is too late. While the theory of The Matrix was a complex one, and at times, quite unbelievable, certainly there are those who have become too reliant on the Internet for the bare essentials of life. It is true the Internet is an incredible tool for sharing information, researching truths, and conducting business, however, it is also true that the Internet is often used as a replacement for reality. These groups of people are the ones who are in danger of becoming the drones as described in the movie. These are the people that are in danger of one day waking up and realizing that they live in a world they do not truly know. Works Cited Rheingold, Howard. The Heart of the WELL. Composing Cyberspace. Ed. Richard Holeton. Boston: McGraw Hill, 1998. Andy and Larry Wachowski. The Matrix. Warner Bros. 1999.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Conflict Resolution Essay
Merriam-Webster (n.d) defines conflict as, ââ¬Å"the opposition of persons or forces that gives rise to the dramatic action in a drama or fictionâ⬠. Interpersonal conflicts, whether they are between family members, students and teachers, employees and supervisors, or groups, have certain elements in common. Coser (1967) asserts that conflict is ââ¬Å"a struggle over values and claims to scarce status, power, and resources, in which the aims of the opponents are to neutralize, injure, or eliminate the rivals.â⬠(p. 8) Coserââ¬â¢s definition grew out of the cold war, when conflict between the United States and the former U.S.S.R. dominated Western method to conflict. Conflict was viewed as a win-lose solution. According to Dana (2001) there are only three ways to resolve any conflict; power contests, rights contests, and interestââ¬â¢s reconciliation. Power contest is based on Coserââ¬â¢s (1967) win-lose situation. Each party views their point as right each wanting power over the other. Rights contest is an orderly system which has rules, regulations, policies, precedents and a hierarchy of authority which is used in order to ââ¬Å"winâ⬠again this model is a win-lose resolution. The solution to conflict resolution is interest reconciliation. This approach enlists support from both parties to find the best solution. All parties win with interest reconciliation model as their solution. Conflict in the workplace is a condition between or among two or more workers whose jobs are independent, who feel angry, who perceive the other(s) as being at fault, and act in a way that causes a business problem. Conflict has three elements feelings (emotions), perceptions (thoughts) and actions (behaviors). ââ¬Å"Psychologists consider these three the only dimensions of human experience. So, conflict is rooted in all parts of the human natureâ⬠(Dana, 2001, p. 5) some confuse conflict with indecisi on, disagreement, stress, or some other common experience that may cause or be caused by a conflict. However, those elements are not best handled by conflict resolution. The question many ask, is conflict normal? Conflict is a fact of any organizational life. On the job, ââ¬Å"conflict is a stubborn fact of organizational lifeâ⬠(Kolb and Putnam, 1992, p. 311). Rather than seeing conflict as abnormal, Pondy (1992) suggests we view organizations as ââ¬Å"arenas for staging conflicts, and managers as both fight promoters who organize bouts and as referees who regulate themâ⬠(p. 259). In addition, Pondy states that in the company, agency, or small business, conflict may be the very essence of what the organization is about, and if ââ¬Å"conflict isnââ¬â¢t happening then the organization has no reason for beingâ⬠(p. 259). One study surveyed workers and found that almost 85 percent reported conflicts at work (Volkema and Bergmann 1989). With an increasing awareness of cultural diversity and gender equity issues, it is essential that employees become familiar with issues surrounding promotions and harassment. In fact, one can see tra ining in organizations as a form of preventive conflict management (Hathaway, 1995). The recognition of the frequency of conflict at work has led to books on mediating conflict in the workplace (Yarbrough and Wilmot 1995), showing how managers can learn conflict management skills to intervene in disputes in their organization. As employees, daily work with clients, customers, co-workers, or bosses can be a struggle. Conflict is as Wilmot (1995) wrote, ââ¬Å"What determines the course of a relationship . . . is in a large measure determined by how successfully the participants move through conflict episodesâ⬠(p. 95). Conflict resolution has five styles, giving in, avoiding, fight it out, comprise, and work together style. No style is right or wrong; however some do work better than others. Accommodation, giving in to the otherââ¬â¢s wishes or smoothing waves sacrifices oneââ¬â¢s own goals for the sake of the other person. Accommodators often use phrases like: ââ¬Å"Whatever you want is fine with me.â⬠When one party in a conflict genuinely does not care about the outcome of the conflict, accommodation may be the right choice for that situation. However, if accommodation is the only style a person utilizes, he or she is advised to learn more skills. Avoidance is characterized by behaviors that either ignore or refuse to engage in the conflict. While avoidance is by some consider a negative style that shows low concern for both oneââ¬â¢s own and the other partyââ¬â¢s interests, there are sometimes strategic reasons to avoid conflict. For example, when the relationship is short-term and the issue is not important or when the situation has a potential to escalate to violence, avoidance may be the prudent choice. Fight it out, competition, or win/lose, style maximizes reaching oneââ¬â¢s own goals or getting the problem solved at the cost of the others goals or feelings. While always choosing competition has negative repercussions for relationships, businesses and cultures, it can occasionally be the right style to choose if the other party is firmly fixed in a competitive style or there are limited resources. While competitive strategy is not necessarily dysfunctional, competition can easily slip into a destructive situation. Understanding the methods and strategies of others who use competitive styles can assist conflict managers in neutralizing the negative consequences of competition and work toward a mutual gain approach. Compromise is a give and take of resources. The classic compromise in negotiating is to ââ¬Å"split the differenceâ⬠between two positions. While there is no victor from compromise, each person also fails to achieve her or his original goal. Finally, working together to collaborate is when parties cooperatively team up until a mutually agreeable solution is found. Compromise and collaboration are win-win solution where as the other styles are win-lose. Why do people avoid dealing with conflict? People have a natural instinct of fear and some let that fear overpower them. The fear of harm causes people to fight-or-flight. Individuals will choose the flight option when in a dangerous part of a city that they have never been in before in order to avoid danger, it shows wisdom or strength to get out a of physically abusive relationship, commendable to stay out emotionally abusive relationships. In spite of this, in some cases people have the response to flight to a false perception of harm. People overstress in their minds the emotional harm that someone can cause harm. The same is said for conflict in the workplace, people will avoid conflict for fear of being harmed by others. Some avoid conflict because of a fear of rejection from others. These individuals feel others will withdraw their friendship or push them away causing more hurt. People have the perception if they do not risk rejection they can suppress their needs and feelings. Loss of relationship is the fear of rejection taken up a level they fear totally losing a relationship. Others avoid conflict to mask their true desires because preserving a relationship is more important than getting what they want. These individuals are trapped into believing their worth is dependant on another accepting them. People avoid conflict for fear of anger. These people do not like listening to someone who is angry. They believe another will hurt them, reject them, or leave them, and they just cannot stand to witness anger. However, anger is just anger and it is not necessarily directed toward them. Individuals do not want to be seen as selfish. In some situations people are not afraid of others reactions, but rather their interpretation of the situation. They fear that they will appear selfish. However, is it wrong to have a need, feeling, or want and to express it? Society has sometimes had it seem that way. Although, there is nothing wrong with asking for what individuals want versus feeling they are entitled to always getting what they want. The truth is if one never asks, then they are depriving people around them from being able give to them effectively. Still, people who feel their wants should not be fulfilled, regardless of what others want, fall into the selfishness category. Sometimes people avoid conflict for fear of saying the wrong thing or something they will regret. Individuals will avoid conflict rather than risk putting ââ¬Å"their foot in their mouthâ⬠they contain their anger and frustration which often leads to that which they fear. When people have conflicts in the past that have failed so they avoid future conflict for the fear of failing those too and begin to believe the confrontation is not worth the emotional energy it takes to deal with others. The fear of failing can impact other aspects of ones life. The fear of hurting another is more than just saying the wrong thing. These individuals are extremely sensitive and caring. They would rather hurt themselves than risk hurting another. The fear of success is a fear that most over look. However, it is much like the fear of failure. Some people are afraid to get what they want; they believe they will never get it. These people feel they do not deserve what they want, the consequences of getting of what they want is regret, or the responsibility is more than they need or desire. The fear of intimacy is the most subconscious of the fears. People do not want to share their dreams, desires, and wants with others. They feel they are private and do not want to be exposed. People do not want to appear weak. If resolution involves giving in, avoiding, or compromise they may feel they appear as though they do not have confidence. People do not want the stress of confrontation. They feel it is better to avoid conflict rather than deal with the stress it will cause them in the workplace between co-workers. Our society tends to reward alternative responses to conflict, rather than negotiation. People, who aggressively pursue their needs, competing rather than collaborating, are often satisfied by others who prefer to accommodate. Managers and leaders are often rewarded for their aggressive, controlling approaches to problems, rather than taking a more compassionate approach to issues that may seem less decisive to the public or their staffs. Conflict resolution requires profound courage on the part of all parties: It takes courage to honestly and clearly express oneââ¬â¢s needs, and it takes coura ge to sit down and listen to oneââ¬â¢s adversaries. It takes courage to look at oneââ¬â¢s own role in the dispute, and it takes courage to approach others with a sense of empathy, openness and respect for their perspective. Collaborative approaches to conflict management require individuals to engage in the moment of dialogue in thoughtful and meaningful ways, so it is understandable if people tend to avoid such situations until the balance of wisdom tips in favor of negotiation. People have certain perceptions in conflict when dealing with different situations. Culture shapes and frames each individualââ¬â¢s interpretation of appropriate behaviors during conflicts. Conflict across cultures, whether across nations or across the diverse cultures within a country, exacerbates the routine difficulties of conflict management (Fry and Bjorkqvist, 1997). There is no clear conclusion about whether men and women actually behave in different ways while conducting conflicts. However, gender stereotypes do affect conflict behaviors when in dividuals act and react based on stereotypes of how men and women will/should act rather than selecting behaviors appropriate for the individual one is communicating with (Borisoff and Victor, 1997). Parties respond to conflicts on the basis of the knowledge they have about the issue at hand. This includes situation-specific knowledge and general knowledge. The understanding of the knowledge they have can influence the personââ¬â¢s willingness to engage in efforts to manage the conflict, either reinforcing confidence to deal with the dilemma or undermining oneââ¬â¢s willingness to flexibly consider alternatives. The person sharing the message is considered to be the messenger. If the messenger is perceived to be a threat (powerful, scary, unknown, etc.) the message can influence others responses to the overall situation being experienced. For example, if a big scary-looking guy is yelling at people they may respond differently than if a diminutive, calm person would express the same message. Additionally, if the people knew the messenger previously, they might respond differently based upon that prior sense of the personââ¬â¢s credibility. People are more inclined to listen with respect to someone they view more credible than if the message comes from someone who lacks credibility and integrity. Some people have had significant life experiences that continue to influence their perceptions of current situations. These experiences may have left them fearful, lacking trust, and reluctant to take risks. On the other hand, previous experiences may have left them confident, willing to take chances and experience the unknown. Either way, one must acknowledge the role of previous experiences as elements of their perceptual filter in the current dilemma. These factors, along with others, work together to form the perceptual filters through which people experience conflict. As a result, their reactions to the threat and dilemma posed by conflict should be anticipated to include varying understandings of the situation. This also means that they can anticipate that in many conflicts there will be significant misunderstanding of each otherââ¬â¢s perceptions, needs and feelings. These challenges contribute to our emerging sense, during conflict, that the situation is overwhelming and unsolvable. As such, they become critical sources of potential understanding, insight and possibility. How do people respond to conflict? There are three responses to conflict emotional, cognitive and physical responses that are important windows into our experience during conflict, for they frequently tell people more about what is the true source of threat that is perceived; by understanding the thoughts, feelings and behavior to conflict, a better insight into the best potential solution to the situation. Emotional (feelings) are the feelings we experience in conflict, ranging from anger and fear to despair and confusion. Emotional responses are often misunderstood, as people tend to believe that others feel the same as they do. Thus, differing emotional responses are confusing and, at times, threatening. Cognitive (thinking) are our ideas and thoughts about a conflict, often present as inner voices or internal observers in the midst of a situation. Through sub-vocalization (self-talk), people understand these cognitive responses. Physical (behavior) can play an important role in our ability to meet our needs in the conflict. They include heightened stress, bodily tension, increased perspiration, tunnel vision, shallow or accelerated breathing, nausea, and rapid heartbeat. These responses are similar to those we experience in high-anxiety situations, and they may be managed through stress management techniques. Establishing a calmer environment in which emotions can be managed is more likely if the physical response is addressed effectively. Dealing with someone unwilling to negotiate can be difficult for the person who is trying to resolve the conflict. However, the ââ¬Å"8 Step Modelâ⬠can be very beneficial, by focusing first on listening to the other person, and seeking to understand the sources of their resistance, the stage can be set for clarifying the conditions he or she requires in order to talk things out. This is not about being ââ¬Ërightââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëwrongââ¬â¢ in the situation, but a practical strategy for getting the other person engaged as a partner in the negotiation process. Another alternative is to focus on things we can do to influence conflicts in the future, rather than putting initial energy into understanding (or solving) problems we have had in the past. By remaining relatively flexible about the agenda ââ¬â taking on topics individuals care about, but not necessarily the most pressing issues ââ¬â thus, creating an opportunity to reduce the fears associated with resistance. While the conflict may not be able to be truly resolved, some key issues that exist will be managed and will help to prevent the issues from getting worse. Power is an important and complex issue facing anyone seeking a negotiated solution to a conflict. Before negotiating clarify the true sources of power in the room: The boss has position power, associated with the ââ¬Å"carrots and sticksâ⬠that come with the role. She or he may also have coercive power, supported by contracts or statute that compels employees to behave in certain ways and do certain tasks associated with the job. Some may have a great deal of expertise power, accumulated from doing your job over a period of time. Either conflict participants may possess normative power, through which they know ââ¬Å"the lay of the landâ⬠in their department and, therefore, how to get things done. And either may possess referent power, through which others show respect for the manner in which the employee conducts themselves. Generally, referent power accrues to those who demonstrate a mature willingness to seek collaborative solutions. An impasse is the sense of being ââ¬Å"stuckâ⬠. Impasse is the point within a dispute in which the parties are unable to perceiv e effective solutions. People feel stuck, frustrated, angry, and disillusioned. Therefore, they might either dig their heels in deeper, anchoring themselves in extreme and rigid poitions, or they might decide to withdraw from negotiation. Either way, impasse represents a turning point in our efforts to negotiate a solution to the conflict. As such, rather than avoiding or dreading it, impasse should be viewed with calmness, patience, and respect. Multi-party disputes are complex situations, and they require careful attention and persistence. However, the same ââ¬Å"8 Step Modelâ⬠can be applied to the disputes. In spite of using the same process expect everything to take a bit longer than if there where only two or three people. Patiently make sure that all points of view are heard, that issues are clarified for all to see, and that all members in the group accept the agreements being negotiated. If there are limits to the groupââ¬â¢s decision-making power, then it is important to acknowledge those limits and understand how they are perceived by all members of the group. There are many different ideas of the steps for resolution, some claim five steps while others claim six or seven for the purpose of this paper Weeks (1992) eight step resolution style is identified. Step one ââ¬â Create an Effective Atmos phere Creating the right atmosphere in which the conflict resolution process will take place is very important, yet most overlook its importance. The atmosphere is the frame around the canvas which will be painted the negotiations and building of better relationships (Weeks, 1992). Step two ââ¬â Clarify Perceptions Perceptions are lenses through which a person sees themselves, others, their relationships, and the situations they encounter. Perceptions have a great influence on behavior of people. Once people perceive something in certain way, even if the perception is wrong, in the mind it is that way, and often base behaviors on that perception (Weeks, 1992). Step three ââ¬â Focus on the Individual and Shared Needs This step builds on the previous step as needs as the conditions people perceive they cannot do without, those conditions critical to each persons wellbeing and relationships. However, step three focuses more on skills involved in the conflict partnership approach. There are several key points to keep in mind in this step. 1) Needs are the foundation of relationship and are an essential part of that foundation. 2) People sometimes confuse needs with desires. 3) Personal needs in relationships perceived by individuals must allow for respect of the needs or the relationship (Weeks, 1992). Step four ââ¬â Build Shared Power Power is a part of every relationship. However, the way people perceive and use power is seen frequently as a dirty word. Such as when people use power as means to control or to manipulate some else to get what they want. Although, power is and of itself not corrupt, it is the way in which people use their power and whether they allow such power to corrupt. Developing positive self power through a clear self-image means that we base our perceptions of ourselves not on what others expect of us or want us to be but what we believe to be our own needs, capabilities, priorities and goals (Weeks, 1992, p. 152). Step five ââ¬â Look to the Future, Then Learn from the Past. All relationships and conflicts have a past, present and future. Resolving conflicts requires dealing with all three. The conflict partnership process encourages the use of positive power to focus on the present-future to learn from the past. The past experiences people face set the landscape for present and future decision making and how relate to others (Weeks, 1992). Step six ââ¬â Generate Options People have the ability to discover new possibilities in their relationships as well as conflict resolution. However, both are often impaired by the packaged truths and limited vision people hold onto in times of stress, insecurity, and conflict. Generating options breaks through the predetermined restrictions brought into the conflict resolution process. Generating options imparts choices which specific steps to resolve conflicts and enhanced relationship can be agreed upon (Weeks, 1992). Step seven ââ¬â Develop ââ¬Å"Doablesâ⬠: the Stepping-stones to Action Doables are the necessary stepping-stones taken along the way to resolve conflict. Doables are explicit acts that stand a good possibility of success, meet some individual and shared need, and depend on positive power, usually shared power to be carried out. Working on and accomplishing some doables can help the conflict partners see more clearly where they need to go. Many conflict partners have changed their preconceived definitions of both the conflict itself and the expected outcome due to the lessons learned and clarified perceptions through working with doables (Weeks, 1992) Step eight ââ¬â Make Mutual-Benefit Agreements Mutual-benefit agreements are the next step on the pathway to conflict resolution. Conflict resolution agreements must be realistic and effective enough to survive and the potential to develop further as challenges arise in the future. Mutual-benefit agreements replace the need or want for demands, see the others needs, shared goals, and establish a standard wherein power is identified as positive mutual action through which differences can be dealt with constructively (Weeks, 1992). Conclusion Conflict is an unavoidable aspect of everyday life whether it is with family, teachers, students, friends, or an organization. The best approach to resolving conflict is interest reconciliation. It joins both parties of the dispute to find the best solution. In so doing, all parties win. People respond to conflict in three ways emotional (feelings), cognitive (thinking), and physical (behavior). All are important to the conflict experience. They allow a better awareness to best furnish a solution to the situation. An important tactic to conflict resolution is to develop persuasion skills with the ability to clearly explain oneââ¬â¢s point of view and to argue for their conclusions and convictions. Weekââ¬â¢s Eight-Step Process is a valuable tool in helping people to become more strategic about resolving conflict. References Borisoff, D., and D. A. Victor., (1997). Conflict management: A communication skills approach, 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Conflict, (n.d.). In Merriam-Websterââ¬â¢s online dictionary Retrieved from Coser, L. A. 1967. Continuities in the study of social conflict. New York: Free Press. Dana, D. (2001). Conflict resolution. New York: Mcgraw-Hill. Fry, D. P., and Bjorkqvist K., (1997). Cultural variation in conflict resolution. Mahwah, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Hathaway, W., (1995). A new way of viewing dispute resolution training. Mediation Quarterly, 13(1), 37-45. doi:10.1002/crq.3900130105 Kolb, D. M., & Putnam, L. L. (1992). The Multiple Faces of Conflict in Organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, (3), 311. doi:10.2307/2488478 Pondy, L. R. (1992). Reflections on organizational conflict. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(3), 257-261. Volkema, R. J., and Bergmann T. J., (1989). Interpersonal conflict at work: an analysis of behavioral responses. Human Relations 42: 757-770. Weeks, D. (1992). The eight essential steps to conflict resolution: preserving relationships at work, at home, and in the community. Los Angeles, J.P. Tarcher; New York: Distributed by St. Martinââ¬â¢s Press Wilmot, W. W. (1995). Relational communication. New York: McGraw-Hill. Yarbrough, E., and Wilmot W., (1995). Artful mediation: Constructive conflict at work. Boulder, Colo.: Cairns Publishing.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Ascroft V. ACLU
The proliferation of the Internet has created a new arena for the government to regulate. Passed in 1998, The Child Online Protection Act (COPA) was intended to keep minors from accessing harmful material on the World Wide Web. COPA relies on community standards to identify material to be banned from the Web. In John Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU contended that COPA is in violation of the First Amendment because it prevents adults from accessing material that they have a constitutional right to view. Lower courts agreed, including the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, which found fault with the community standards provision. The court maintained that the very nature of the Internet makes it impossible to restrict access to a site based on geographic location of the user. In a reversal of this view, the Supreme Court ruled with a majority of eight to one that COPAââ¬â¢s reliance on community standards to judge obscenity harmful to children do es not violate the First Amendment. Writing the majority opinion in this case was Justice Clarence Thomas. He defended Congressââ¬â¢s attempt to tone down the Communications Decency Act, which was declared unconstitutional in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union. While the CDA covered all aspects of the Internet including email, COPA applies only to material on the World Wide Web made ââ¬Å"for commercial purposes.â⬠Also, COPA only restricts ââ¬Å"material that is harmful to minorsâ⬠unlike the CDA, which covered the broader realm of all ââ¬Å"indecent and patently offensive communications.â⬠This opinion of the court asserted that COPA, by defining material harmful to minors in a parallel fashion to the courtââ¬â¢s definition of obscenity, would not restrict the wide range material Web in the way the Communications Decency Act had. In drawing up COPA, Congress used Miller v. California as a basis to define material harmful to minor as: Any communication, picture, ... Free Essays on Ascroft V. ACLU Free Essays on Ascroft V. ACLU The proliferation of the Internet has created a new arena for the government to regulate. Passed in 1998, The Child Online Protection Act (COPA) was intended to keep minors from accessing harmful material on the World Wide Web. COPA relies on community standards to identify material to be banned from the Web. In John Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU contended that COPA is in violation of the First Amendment because it prevents adults from accessing material that they have a constitutional right to view. Lower courts agreed, including the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, which found fault with the community standards provision. The court maintained that the very nature of the Internet makes it impossible to restrict access to a site based on geographic location of the user. In a reversal of this view, the Supreme Court ruled with a majority of eight to one that COPAââ¬â¢s reliance on community standards to judge obscenity harmful to children do es not violate the First Amendment. Writing the majority opinion in this case was Justice Clarence Thomas. He defended Congressââ¬â¢s attempt to tone down the Communications Decency Act, which was declared unconstitutional in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union. While the CDA covered all aspects of the Internet including email, COPA applies only to material on the World Wide Web made ââ¬Å"for commercial purposes.â⬠Also, COPA only restricts ââ¬Å"material that is harmful to minorsâ⬠unlike the CDA, which covered the broader realm of all ââ¬Å"indecent and patently offensive communications.â⬠This opinion of the court asserted that COPA, by defining material harmful to minors in a parallel fashion to the courtââ¬â¢s definition of obscenity, would not restrict the wide range material Web in the way the Communications Decency Act had. In drawing up COPA, Congress used Miller v. California as a basis to define material harmful to minor as: Any communication, picture, ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
In the Lake of the Woods By Tim OBrien
In the Lake of the Woods By Tim OBrien " 'Hey Sorcerer,' Weatherby said. The guy started to smile, but Sorcerer shot him." What kind of dark situations could entice a man to shoot a comrade? This is what Tim O'Brien suggests in his novel, In the Lake of the Woods. As O'Brien previous works also have presented, this book deals a lot with Vietnam and the seemingly dark consequences that can distort reality for veterans. He speaks of the reaction of a broken man whose wife runs off, and no one can find her. At that point, the darkness is only just beginning.John Wade is a very confused and utterly saddened man. As a man held highly in respect by his peers, he was a member of the Minnesota State Senate. He ran for the United States Senate a couple of years later, only to be shot down by a form of slander. Somebody discovered that Wade had been part of a group of soldiers that brutally massacred women and children in Vietnam.The Wall Street JournalAfter that, being completely distraught and almost crazy, Wade shot a friend and fellow soldier, PFC Weatherby. After this was discovered, Wade was defeated in a landslide in the election for the Senate. His wife, Kathy, and he went to a cabin out in Lake in the Woods, in order to get away from all of the media attention. This is when the darkness appeared once again."Kathy did not write back for several weeks. And then she sent only a postcard: 'A piece of advice. Be careful with the tricks. One of these days, you'll make me disappear.'" This was written to John while he was stationed in Vietnam, and he often performed magic tricks for the troops, of which he learned from his father, who had tragically hanged himself in...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Nursing Implication for Teenage Pregnancy Research Paper
Nursing Implication for Teenage Pregnancy - Research Paper Example Therefore, studied below are the important trends in the issue of teen pregnancy with its nursing implications for it. Also when it comes to the control and establishment of any aspect of health in a society, we cannot help ourselves but refer to the support of family and friends along with medical sustainability. Hence, after a qualitative research, discussed below are the important measures that need to be taken in order to control and affect this issue by the nurses. Nursing and Teen Pregnancy: Corroborating Implication and Insinuation INTRODUCTION Bastable (2008) believes that the role played by the nurses is that of a ââ¬Ëcaregiverââ¬â¢. Thus, during the process of coming to a decision regarding the status of young and old patients, it is necessary for nurses to not commence through logical verifications or commonsensical conjectures, where they take risks by being unaware of what the results or consequences might be. A large number of problems are originating in the publi c health sector if the current state of affairs is reviewed. Teen pregnancy is amongst these frequently originating colossal problems. The targets of this problem are the females under the age of twenty and the involvement comprises of both young and adult males. Young girls become a victim of this issue due to both societal and personal concerns. As the following chart represents, an increase has been found in the rates of this issue again in the past few years even after 2005 states Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009). . Thus, this review not only publicizes this subject, but it focuses on one segment of the verification: the relationship (preferred to be formal in clinical settings and semiformal in community set ups) and the implications of nursing for teenage pregnancy. Furthermore, it raises a subject upon the explication with orientation to the issue with interaction procedures and advising basis, because while most females prefer not attending clinical appointm ents, not everyone trusts the sentry of community set ups. Hence, this review puts forth the explication where teenage pregnant females arrive at clinics and are dealt with various strategies and advanced care. REVIEW OF LITERATURE As per SmithBattleââ¬â¢s (2006) research, it was evaluated that the children of teen mothers are considered to be at a highest risk of being targeted by adolescence pregnancy. This research was based to find out the data which would relate to the increase of this disease amongst children who had teen mothers but an astonishing fact which was out of the research was gained. This study was divided into further sub divisions and sixteen families were interviewed through dialogues and conversational assessments. After an interval of 4 years, the same families were interviewed again and the interesting fact that was gained lead to expounding that female mothers who were themselves pregnant in their teens were a victim of conservative set back which led thei r children to becoming a target of the same issue and not being able to consult clinical treatment or advice. Similarly, after a study carried out by Reynolds (2005) to evaluate the behavior of healthy pregnancy amongst teenage mothers and its knowledge, it was gained that females who consulted nursing advice in clinical associations reported less risky behaviors during their
Friday, November 1, 2019
Corey Worthington Delaney Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Corey Worthington Delaney - Case Study Example Alfred Adler was born in Vienna in 1870, decided in childhood to be a physician and ultimately earned a medical degree from the University of Vienna. He began his medical career as an ophthalmologist but moved into general practice. By the early 1900s, he had turned to psychiatry and was invited to join Sigmund Freud's discussion group. Adler's criticisms of Freud led to his forming his own group, the Society for Individual Psychology (Boeree 2003). According to Boeree, Adler's theory of a motivating force to fulfill potential was what he called "striving for perfection." The idea was that social interest, inherent and learned, can lead to fulfillment if nurtured. Adler (Slaney, Ashby & Trippi 1995, p. 280) considers that "striving for perfection" is innate and universal and while normal individuals set difficult but attainable goals that can be adjusted, neurotics set unrealistic goals and require superiority in all things. It seems obvious in Corey' Worthington's case that his goal s are unrealistic and probably will not be realized by him, even though his agent promises him fame and fortune. It was Alfred Adler's belief that a person who is too self-interested will not be fulfilled and the failure is due to feelings of inferiority and lack of concern for others, only concern about self. Physical inferiority, Boeree (2003) notes, is brought about by outside forces and if an individual like Corey who is small for his age allows these feelings to take over, the result will be a tendency to be self-centered, antisocial, and lose support from others. A superiority complex might also develop when inferior feelings are covered up by practicing attention-getting dramatics that create a sense of power as is the case with Corey. According to T.W. Allen (1972 p. 4), the anniversary of Alfred Adler's birth in 1970 reinstated interest in his principles, which mainly had been associated with inferiority complex and were often considered a petulant contradiction of Freud. It became obvious, however, as new studies of Adler have been made, that his concept was a simple and successful method of analysis, and his Individual Psychology concept could especially benefit modern society. Adlerian Principles If Corey were willing to go into counseling in which the 12 Adlerian principles (Stein 2008; Croake 1983) are applied, he would first meet with a therapist who could perhaps (1) establish empathy by showing respect for him. In all of Corey's interactions with others in the limelight, no one ever showed him respect. If the therapist could establish a camaraderie, Corey would probably welcome the opportunity to (2) talk about his childhood, his problems adjusting to his stepfather, what happened to his father, whether he is angry that his parents show little compassion for him. When he understands why his feelings of superiority are (3) actually brought about by feelings of inferiority, he can begin to (4) move in a new direction. His mother and stepfather do not really (5) offer the connections he needs, and it will be difficult for him to make an effort to communicate with them
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